Dr. Simon Burger

Dr. Simon Burger


Dr. Simon Burger has been part of the Benn-Ibler team since September 2016. Initially as a legal assistant and, after completing his court traineeship as an associate since February 2022. During his diploma and subsequent doctoral studies in law, he worked as a student and university assistant at the departments of private law (2014-2017) and public law, public international law and European law (2017-2021).

Public international and European law are also one of his main areas of interest. He also wrote his dissertation on “The admissibility under international economic law of unilateral cross-border worker protection regulation through foreign trade measures: An examination of the GATT, TBT and Anti-Dumping Agreement” (German/original title: “Die wirtschaftsvölkerrechtliche Zulässigkeit unilateraler grenzüberschreitender Arbeitnehmerschutzregulierung durch Außenhandelsmaßnahmen: eine Untersuchung des GATT, TBT- und Anti-Dumping-Übereinkommens”) in this area. In addition, he has other areas of interest, such as international economic law, supply chain regulation and CSR.

While still a university student, he was able to gain litigation experience by participating in moot courts – not only as a participant, but most recently as an arbitrator at the Foreign Direct Investment Moot in Nairobi.

Numerous publications in renowned professional outlets testify to Simon’s enthusiasm for law and demonstrate his expertise, which is already very broad at the beginning of his career.

Associate at Benn-Ibler Rechtsanwälte (since February 2022)

Legal Assistant at Benn-Ibler Rechtsanwälte (2016-2022)

student and university assistant at the departments of private law (2014-2017) and public law, public international law and European law (2017-2021)

Streikrecht und Arbeitsvölkerrecht. Zur Wirkungsweise völkervertraglicher Vorgaben auf die nationale Rechtsordnung am Beispiel zulässiger Streikziele (von Alberto Povedano Peramato). Buchrezension, DRdA 2021/6, 529

Philip Morris Arbitration Cases (Philip Morris v Uruguay; Philip Morris v Australia), in Peters (editor), The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (as of August 2020).

Urbaser v Argentina Arbitration, in Peters (editor), The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (August 2020)

Transnational Supply-Chain Regulation – Between the Fight Against Corporate Impunity and the Risk of Interference in States’ Regulatory Sovereignty, AfronomicsLaw Blog (03.11.2019)

Arbitration Clauses in Investment Protection Agreements after the ECJ’s Achmea Ruling: a Preliminary Evaluation, in Roth/Geistlinger (ed.), Yearbook on International Arbitration and ADR, Vol. 6, Vienna, 121-148

Recht und Sprache, Tagung der Österreichischen Assistentinnen und Assistenten Öffentliches Recht, Band 9, Wien (co-editor)

55 Years after Austria’s accession to the New York Convention: Crucial Issues in Light of the Supreme Court’s Case Law, in Roth/Geistlinger (editor), Yearbook on International Arbitration and ADR, Vol. 5, Vienna, 93-104

Extraterritorial Duties Imposed by Home States – Is the ‘New Human Rights Approach’ a Feasible Way to Make Foreign Investment (More) Socially Responsible?, lecture (25.10.2019) at the Conference on Socially Responsible Foreign Investment under International Law, Lisbon.

Transnational Supply-Chain Regulation: a Watershed for Stakeholders and Policymakers in Africa or Business as Usual?, lecture (19.07.2019) at the 4th Biennial Conference of the African International Economic Law Network, Nairobi